Founded 1964
TCS was founded in 1964 specializing in healthcare collections; Hospital, Emergency Medicine, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Urgent Care, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Chiropractor General Surgery, MRI, Orthopedics, Pediatrics Dental to name a few.
TCS works with just about every payer type; Medicare, Medicaid, Medical, AHCCCS, Contracted
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Tricare, Workman's' Compensation and all Commercial Carriers.

TCS, Inc.
Our services and capabilities include, but are not limited to
tcs, inc.
General Collections – Identify responsible party, locate, make contact and recover delinquent balances
Special Handling Programs – As defined by our clients
Clean-up Projects - Any Receivables Management Support requirements when client's time and/or resources
are limited
Insurance Support - Billing and denial follow-up to resolution
Consulting - Evaluation of your current policies & procedures to maximum efficiency and results
Negotiation & Management of Payment Arrangements - Establish patient's ability to pay, set-up payment
terms, manage until Paid in Full
Electronic File Transfer - Paperless
Automated Skip Tracing - Utilize all sources available to TCS as a licensed Collection Service
Credit Card and Phone Check Processing - Reduces delinquent debt quickly
Credit Bureau Reporting - Nationwide reporting
Standard & Customized Reporting Capabilities - Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-yearly and annual report cards relating
to recovery, trends and progress
Legal Action - Filing a civil lawsuit against the debtors for non-payment of a debt. All legal proceedings are handled
through our office without any out of pocket expense to you.